Life's Chapters

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

About turning 23

It's a beautiful morning. Third day in the new building. Am enjoying it so far. I enjoy the view from this floor. I'm still adjusting, getting to know people, banyak departments occupying building nieh.

It's kinda basi to talk about the trips I made last month, now doesn't it? As much as I want to. It was an enjoyable one though. Like always. And I came back feeling more 'homesick' than ever. I don't know why too that I left with a heavier heart this time around. Perhaps it's the fact that I have limited number of holidays a year now thus less frequent trips. It is only wise to know that I have a career to strive for now and I should stay put where I am. I try not to think of the future too much.

I welcomed my 23rd birthday on the 4th with well wishes from people who are dear to me. Friends of childhood days and from my uni years. And a few ex-students.

I for one am BAD with dates. It really touches my heart to know many remembered, friends in and abroad. I do feel bad whenever I forget theirs. =P

I celebrated with some friends who are around last weekend. Dah tua gini pun celebrate lagi. heh. What ever would I do without friends who keep me sane...

As the years passes by, changes takes place. My birthday a year ago was in a different surrounding. It was a week before receiving my scroll. This year's saw some missing and new pieces.

I can't help thinking of the many possibilities. I was once told never to regret any decisions made. I try not to think about it but as only human, there are moments when you'll decided to take a rest from the buck and sit back and let the thoughts flow.

The night before I turned 23, we had a long talk. I still can't make up my mind. The day will come when I have to make the call. Sometimes, I wished it'd be sooner, yet at times I wished it'll never arrive.

23, a figure that once seem so far away. After this, the numbers will just keep rolling and we have much to catch up with. I will try to live a day at a time and I want to be there for my loved ones just as how they've been there for me. May I continue to treasure the friendship of the people around me, to be forgiving and embracing life as it is, that it is not this world I'm living for.