Life's Chapters

Monday, December 04, 2006

Back to Basic

Was doing some spring cleaning throughout the day at home and somehow decided to do a little 'spring cleaning' within.

"Knowledge is like sealed treasure houses, the keys of which are inquiry. Inquire, therefore, therein lies the reward for four- the inquirer, the learned, the auditor, and their admirer"

So said the Prophet Muhammad SAW of knowledge and its rewards.

Nevertheless emphasis on the importance of knowledge was revealed through the first surah (Al-Quran, 96:1). Seeking knowledge is a duty incumbent upon each Muslims. We are to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave and if needed be even to China (sounds familiar?). From knowledge comes understanding. Knowledge when used properly becomes wisdom.

Knowledge increases one's awareness of God and His Attributes, as well as performs acts and favours which will lead one away from being tempted by materials of this world and later excel in the Hereafter. Comprehension will ensure equilibrium in our endeavors.

No one in one's right mind will approve of extremism. Islam foremost stressed on moderation. There is a dire need to educate the Muslim mind. A paradigm shift in ways Islam is taught to our children. Knowledge does not have to be derived from formal learning institution. Vast knowledge is gained from experiences and observations. This is where leadership is by example and whereby actions speak louder than words. Islam is egalitarian and tolerant. The responsibility befalls on each and every Muslim, brothers and sisters alike, to portray the brilliance of Islam.The ummah tread together in the journey of unification.

The universalism of Islam comes into being whenever there is submission to God per se. Islam should not be thought as a term or as a label for a particular group. To be Muslim should be not be like belonging to a tribe, clan or some sort; meaning we should not stay ensnared. Instead, we should think of it as being a certain spiritual disposition, a particular mode of Being. Islam is never exclusive for a particular tribe or race. We enjoy the brotherhood/sisterhood we share yet we are unique individually in retaining permissible culture and tradition and preserving identity.

Centrality and beauty of Islam is Tauhid. The Oneness of Allah as the quintessence. You learned there is nothing more you wish to attain other than His redha in your actions. It has always been between you and Him. The Book has been described as hudan lil muttaqin (guide for the God fearing). However, we must always bear in mind that each recitation is better accompanied by reflection. Whereby, few acts of devotion made with thoroughness and excellence is far better than many acts of devotions that are insincere. However it is never for us to judge, only Him alone has the best knowledge of what's in our hearts and His Grace is bountiful. That said, however, it is required of us to strive for better quality of amal and ibadah as we progress. Remaining stagnant and caught in the mad rush definitely is not a good excuse do dilly dallying behind quest for higher awareness. Do we want to be the last to cross the line?

The concept of tajdid, which is renewal or revival, is as old as Islam; it is not a foreign concept. What is required of Muslims are tajdid in the mindset and within the soul. Life itself is a process of progressive creation. The best of knowledge is one that brings a Muslim closer to Allah. Basics of Islam such as the pillars of Islam and tenets of Iman are the very basic fundamentals that must be internalised in a Muslim.

So, we're talking about walking the talk. To show love and compassion as how He has been merciful to us. That the weight the word jihad carries weight more than a drawn sword. Islam is a way of life. It is a struggle within to be a better person, to make the world a better place, to exercise our obligation as khalifah.


Reference: The Muslim Reader (Darul Arqam, Singapore)