Life's Chapters

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kenduri Kendara

During the previous trip to KL, I was there to attend a wedding reception. The nikah ceremony was held two weeks earlier in Kelantan.

My tasks kicked off with the mission of finding and preparing another set of hantaran. Oh well, orang memberi kita membalas. My fingers are really rough at such delicate work of art. They are just not crafted to be doing such dainty travail. Nevertheless we managed.

The day before the big event was filled with pots and pans boiling and frying away to cater to guests beginning to arrive for the reception. Kalut jangan cakap la. The number of guests we had to attend to? We had to rent the largest bungalow in FRIM to fit them all. Unknowingly we actually rented the place when they filmed Bilik 404 (104?) and another horror flick. Stories that follows memang ada..hehehee... siang pun 'kena' gak =P Nasib badan...

The night of the wedding reception; we were busy preparing the door gifts and bunga telur to be handed out and for the dais. Next day we were up early getting ready. The reception was held in Dewan FRIM. Judging from the number of guests and amount of food served, it was la grandeur. You could just never imagine being understaffed for this kind of event huh. But we did suffer due to the absence of ample helping hands! There were actually already 9 of us! Memang penat giler. I was basically standing up from 11am till 9.30pm, minus the times I was chauffering around. After the main event we had to do some more cleaning up at home while entertaining more guests around. Phheewww. It takes this much work for a wedding ay. Not complaining pun, it was a good experience.

Two days later I was off to Teluk Intan for Majlis Sambutan Israk Mikraj and a kenduri arwah.

My first experience kenduri in the kampung. I woke up in the morning ready to get on the go alas my friend told me to take our own sweet time as works will only commence after the Zohor prayers. I was like “for real?” Will we be in time?

After the noon prayers, we spread some mats under the house and brought everything out such as potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, etc. We sat down chit chatting while hands constantly at work. It was lots of fun. Of course I was quite blur as they were all speaking Jawo. Heheee... My friend had to act as the translator. With everyone diligently doing their respective tasks, we were set to cook after Asar. They cooked nasi minyak, ayam masak merah, dalca, acar, papadam, salted fish, and all was done before Maghrib! I was amazed.

The night proceeded well, and we packed the leftover food to be taken home by the visitors.

I remembered sleeping soundly till dawn and half-heartedly boarded the bus back to KL.