Life's Chapters

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2006 is here...

Not realising today is the first day of school, I was taken aback with the long lines of cars in our neighbourhood. I was telling myself "orang hantar anak reporting kot". When I walked further down the road then I realised school term had kicked off. heheee...

Dad's away on one of his trip again so we decided to dine out. We had chicken porridge and it seems to be insufficient for my ever growing brother that we had another round at McD. Had the Prosperity; verdict-tidak sedap. How? Then again I've always preferred Burger King for a good bite of burgers. =P

Everyone had a great New Year's Eve I guess. During the weekend was staying over night with a friend since her parents are away performing the Hajj. We spent both New Year's Eve and New Year day itself at the Pustaka Lake. There were some Mandarin ducks gliding by. We fed the fishes with bread, crackers and rice and enjoyed the tranquility of the sun setting in the west. I was watching the static clouds for some time and they stayed motionless but the moment I was distracted, they changed their formation. hhmmm... Subhanallah...

It was a pleasant time spent with nature. At night we were not really bothered with the fireworks display around town, instead we just yakked the night away.

Last week we drove to Kota Samarahan, a newly announced division on its own. Sarawak has 12/13 divisions now; I'm not quite sure with Kuching being its First Division. We were heading towards Muara Tuang which is situated about 50km from town. Muara Tuang is legendary for their sugary sweet pineapples. Mum has about 1500 tarts to cater at the moment so were down there basically to haul up all the pineapples we can gather. The vast land planted with pineapples simply kept me in awe. My mum came back a contented lady with a car laden with pineapples. =)

Another scenery I will always keep in my mind is the sight of the sugarcane plantations in Perlis. That is one awesome view too. The plantation is so immense that fertilizers are distributed by helicopters.

All this talk about sweetness reminds me that I've been having cravings for ice-creams for the last 5 days. I just seem to be not getting enough. There was one day I had three servings. Today had only one la, the Orange-Peach Sundae in McD. There's also another Cornetto in the freezer now. Would it be crazy enough to wallop down an ice cream at this hour? I think so... heheheee...

Oh, the new season of Charmed has started. Am waiting for the repetition later. Missed the first half tadi.

Looking for a simple DIY cake? Go here. Proven doable by a lazy bump like me. heheheee... and confirmed does not cause any fatal impairment to your gastronomic quest.