It's A Small World Afterall
It's a small world we lived in. Somehow, people you've only merely shared a nod with in the past turns out to be the people you'll be working closely to. Someone you knew is also suddenly your friend's friend partner. You found out one of the blog you frequent is a close friend to a good friend of yours too.
Though getting to know just merely a handful of people can seem to be quite an adventure for me in the past. That's another episode altogether. Still is now but I take them on a good stride. Can cut the chase. The cat is after all out of the bag dah,
I remember one particular complain I made to Nani about bumping into people from my hometown. Yeah, excessive surge. Someone, somewhere, at the oddest location, there's bound to be at least TWO meetings. Or more. Eg during my last trip there, on my way back, bumped into one of my ex-students at the cashier in Eraman's.
Forget that. It's not that. I'm just amazed with the experiences I've gained during the weekend. Just few days ago, old ties were rekindled. Alhamdulillah. I was again reminded that friends are the ones that makes life worthwhile living. And for them to think of you likewise is really something.
During last Thursday's Forum Perdana, the topic discussed was Kawan atau Teman (Friend or Companion)? Points were taken from the stories about Rasulullah and the sahabat. And on this week's kuliyyah, topics on neighbours were discussed.
"Tidak sempurna iman seseorang sehingga dia mencintai saudaranya sepertimana dia mencintai dirinya sendiri"
Love your neighbour as you love thyself. According to Islam, those classified as neighbours are the 40 houses each to your left and right. Do we even know the neighbour who's situated 5 doors down ours? It was self-reflection time.
We aren't rich nor influential people. But, anywhere possible we try our best to give accordingly. I've received much, and I feel that it is only right I play a part of giving too.
I managed to call Ma last Friday. =) I have deep admiration for this lady.
Sunday spent the day in UNIMAS and meeting a new friend Nh.
Am gonna meet Bn and run some errands before the sch hours starts.