Life's Chapters

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mid-Year Reflections...

Nearly half the year will be gone soon. Each year carries its own recollections.

2006. I had some enjoyable and extended new friendship ties tremendously. To share, to give and love and be loved and cared for in return. Feelings reciprocated are heartening to the soul and mind.

I gained back some things that had gone astray. In which I am reminded that I have so much to be thankful instead of lamenting on one thing I cannot gain. You lost some, you get some.

I was taught that failure is part of the package when I 'signed up' to be in this world. I learnt to give up on things that were not meant to be mine. I became mindful that balance is made up of accomplishment and letdowns. It takes both the sunshine and rain to make a rainbow.

Patience is virtue. I discover that. And some things were not meant to be said. Silence is golden. Sometimes.

We are to live the present and leave the past. Benda yang lepas jangan dikenang, masa hadapan jangan disia. Right?

hhmmm... are melamine wares microwavable? =P

Looking forward to this long break and the events that follow, kicking off Thusday night!