Life's Chapters

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chinese New Year...

Rounds of visitings are usually bound to make you wishing to hit the sack as soon as you arrive home and the house's door's opened. The weather has been extremely hot despite all the forecasts of floods to happen. Alhamdulillah, or else I might have smeared mud all over my pants.

When we were younger, red was a must-wear colour for first day of the new year. Not anymore. Today, I had a pinkish/peachy/orangey blouse (?) with beads and white pants and black pumps. Oh, am so in love with my new pumps. Am so guilty of vanity when I can't help checking them out every time I walked. hahahaaa...

As usual topics of discussion would be on the sleepless night everyone had the night before. Fireworks were rapidly burnt at about 11.30am till 2am. Doesn't seem so banned ay? heheee... But, seriously, if there were no crackers lit up, Chinese New Year would be lifeless. Yes, you can argue about all the various ways to usher in the New Year, but well, at least that's what I personally feel.

And just when I was mentioning about not having the desire to tie the knot (oh, I've repeated it so often, lebih 40 kali dah, akan makbul agaknya... hahahaaa... anyways, not a top priority), and well, guess what my fortune cookie read when I broke one today?

You will tie the knot in a year's time.

hahahaaa... few years back we played this 'game' in campus. Items needed are a plain gold ring, a half-filled glass and a strand of the said person's hair. I forgot how is it played. After all it was all in the name of fun. Oh, how old did they predict I would get hitched? hahahaaa... 23. It is soooooooooooo not going to happen.

What sparked all the thoughts? All the uncles and aunties lah mentioning about lim teh (drinking tea). hehee... Takde nyer. Ngarut je. Keje dulu.

A beautiful surprise as we moved about, I got people calling me 'cikgu' still. It turned out some of them saw my pics in the published sch magazines last year. I taught in two schools and one of them was my alma mater.

Since I was in school I have always dreamt of being a principal in my alma mater. Hah, amik kau. Bukan alang-alang. Takde nak terfikir jadi cikgu ke, senior assistant ke, nak jadi principal terus hah. heheheee... It's just that... the traditions, the values are something I'd like to take a part in preserving. I'm sure everyone has some sentimental thoughts of their alma mater.

It's an impossible feat though. Suffice to say that my alma mater is a mission school. Anyways, insyaAllah, wherever I land myself, education is something I'm passionate about and will pursue. Nothing is ever too late ay?

Yes? No?