A little revelation...
I got more Maal Hijrah wishes compared to New Year's day. How many more years would it take before three New Years coincides in the same month? =)
Got a little carried away while blog hopping. Came across a sister's blog (two actually, she's maintaining two blogs) and reading her story touched my heart. I was purely kepoh chi yesterday wanting to know her life's narration. I felt myself able to relate a lot to her stories. A
I am reminded a lot about what I've went through. Why yer all these now?
On another note, I am glad I prolonged my stay at home. The clouds are pretty much cleared. I'm not sure how would the progress be nearing the day of my departure.
Dear me, I'm practically scanning every piece of recollections I gathered from that sister's blog.
When you thought that you've been hit to the pits, there’re actually others who are having it too, and might have got it worst...
My dear adik is back in Selayang too. It seems like the winter has got its toll on her. Another reason to look forward to going back to KL. A wonderful surprise that Rin sent a message too to meet up. Hidayah is also coming down and I'm also anticipating in meeting a few others.
My foster parents' flight was delayed. Still not sure of their arrival yet as of now. Told Siti to keep me informed. Shikin's parents are also arriving from
Alhamdulillah. Semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur. May they have a safe journey back.
Is it that hard to digest that you look up and adopt other's parents as your own? I have always had close relationships with my friends' parents and well, you simply felt honoured when you're introduced as their anak angkat. They seem so proud to say it aloud.
Yes, they are not my flesh and blood but as elders, as muslims, doesn't it justify the amount of respect and love I ought to show? I just have a soft spot at the mention of orang tua, mak abah etc. It's not being blindly obedient but it's just that they're elders...
There are times you have to stand up for your faith/belief/principle, against the people who have taken care of you for more than two decades. It's not easy. Never will be. Gradually they will come to respect your decisions too provided it's done properly. InsyaAllah... My dad once told me that ONLY your family can accept you as you are and WILL be there for you; not friends, or any other so-called close buddies. There're some truth in what he said there. Apa pun, I believe, if you're sincere things will prevail. No worries. InsyaAllah...