Life's Chapters

Monday, February 20, 2006

Lamanya cuti nooo...

Don't worry... I was not occupied with any majlis pinangan or pertunangan hatta pernikahan sekalipun. If there was any, satu Malaya den kabo kan... heh.

For the last two weeks I've been up to some of the craziest ideas/decisions I've ever done in my life. Not so crazy enough if I am to tell you all about it, but, I still do get the "what's wrong with you" comments and glances.

It is just something I felt like needed to be done. It is in my nature that I will ask for dozens of opinions and I always know that at the end of the day it is my call after all.

I told Hani that I have no regrets and I felt good about the whole situation. People around you watched, scrutinize, criticize, and judge, but it is still YOU who's going through it all.

I am still pretty undecided over certain matters. As for these 3 months, we'll monitor and keep track of the development on stuffs and see how things go la. I think 3 months is a realistic time-frame. Enough time to see results in the exam, see the business grow and plan, plan and more plan and execute them. Amin Ya Rabballalamin.

Manusia hanya mampu merancang. And I'm trying to make sure respective individuals are dragged along the steps with me. They cannot give up coz if they do, well; I just want to see my friends happy and successful. They have been there for me at my darkest hours and what I can do now is to push their capability to the max. And lots and lots of doa.

The Akademi Fantasia 4 auditions are up. I have never been a supporter of any AF or their artists specifically. For her I pledge a certain amount if she gets in because I know she deserves it. A good friend of ours has been short listed. It is only the first round but I believe this friend of mine can make it to the final 12. It is still too early to say so, but, if that is what she wants to do, so be it. We did lay out the pros n cons for her. I'm giving her my support but Hani doesn't quite agree. As for me, "Kalau ada rezeki dia di AF maka ada lah. Kalau tidak, maka tak ada lah n apa pun takpe."

Kitorang la yang sedih if we can't sesuka hati drag her out nanti. Siapa nak bawa I gi cari cendol malam-malam buta lagi? Siapa nak team up ngan Hani n I to ukur malls? Siapa nak cukupkan korum fiesta di Secret Recipe? Siapa nak temankan I menikmati ice cream di KLCC Park? Siapa nak layan I merapu lagi? huhuuu...

Those who have met me would never have thought I do possess a garang teacher material. I know lah how people perceived me to be, when most of the time, am not. heheheee... I have what it takes though to tackle and tame these 'special' children. This time around are tough cases but can still be helped. Guru mana tak sayang pelajar ooiiihhh? I do. Nothing special, just the maternal instinct at work. Just as how you would want to see your own children do well in school and life that is exactly how I wish for, for my students.

Bak kata Pak Lah, melentur buluh biar lah dari rebungnya. Ini lah putera puteri negara. May they be an all-rounder person in life.

I have other outlets to pen down my thoughts which explains why I don't miss updating this blog. =P None of it is virtual though. I have a log book the size of a diary. I have my organiser. The above are quite bulky to carry around so I have another really cool notebook at a size slightly larger than your pocket calendar. I carry it around in my handbag at all time. It has calendar for 2005 and 2006. I jot things down now and then, whether I'm waiting for my next lrt to catch or over a brownie in SR. It is a simple reminder of daily occurrence. And a bit more privacy. ;) I also wrote down interesting quotes and doa to be memorised and to fill my spare time while waiting for an appointment to be fulfilled. That said, jangan lah saja je bagi I tunggu lama-lama though I seem to be able to make myself occupied and no time wasted. heh.

Ini ada satu tempat nak recommend nieh. There is this Chinese shop opposite Sogo (along Jukebox outlet tuh) that I find manage to quench my desire for meals similar to those of home. Outside the stall there is a satay stall which is a must-try! There is also a nasi padang stall. The shop is pretty small and space and seats are definitely limited lah.

Toodles for now. Am the very worn out.

p/s: Anyone shares the anguish feeling on how CHEAP the fares were at the MATTA fair??! Takpe, there's always next year... kan??well in school and life, that is how i