Life's Chapters

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Cane or No Cane?

Canning was publicly heatedly discussed once upon a time. I can't really recall what sparked the arguments then.

What I'm writing next are merely my observations and no harm was ever intended to the said parties.

To what degree of mischief then the kids deserved/ should be canned?

In one of the previous school I was in, I saw a discipline teacher slapped a student. I was stunt. Given the environment of the school, I understood how imperative strict measures were.

Personally, I have never caned my students. I do however believe that children could do with to be caned if needed to. I don't think the usage of cane is uncalled for. A simple point at it is if your kids don't obliged praying by the age of seven, we are to use a stricter approach. It shows that between those growing ages it is vital to impose discipline. There are of course various ways to inculcate discipline.

Then again, as people say, there's always the first time for everything. Next day the news has spread about being one of the garang ones and do not mess around in my class. I hope it is still not too late to help these kids. I believe they are still at the age of something can still be done. I'm teaching 8 out of the 9 Form 1 classes.

The first few days were very stressful as I tried to garner their respects. Later on it is the stage of conveying the friendship message.

I bukan jenis yang berkira with my students. Tak ada pen, I bagi. Tak makan, I buy them food. However, when it comes to discipline matters I am very particular. And the students realised this that makes me happy. The students know I have a sharp tongue and tolerate no nonsense.

In my class, the floors must be clear of any rubbish. Ties must be neatly done on their shirt. Mesti ada belt and socks. Baju kurung kena ada pin. When I teach, everyone must listens. Tak tahu, tanya.

I am also a form teacher. My class is not the best class but can still be managed. The day after I warned them about truancy, I had full attendance the whole week. Alas, they only behave in my class.

I have complaints from 2 teachers now. Frankly, I don't blame the students. Why can the students do work and behaved in my class but not theirs? How do you justify this situation? These teachers want me to fill in the students' discipline cards. I'm not doing it. I feel that as a teacher you are the one who must be able to control the students. Make them pay attention in class. Budak-budak kan. Given a chance of course they'll start acting up.

People always complained about the fresh batch of teachers and in particular lady teachers. I feel in the current school I am in, the younger generations and ladies are more a martinet compared to the veterans and most male teachers.

Some teachers are more troubled about their vehicles not to be sabotaged (that is why I jalan kaki je ke sekolah... hahahaaa). They care more about not being called in the pengetua office or receiving a sue note from the parents' lawyer.

Tak kira lah, guru baru atau guru senior. Guru lelaki mahupun guru perempuan. Mendidik anak bangsa itu satu amanah. Kita marah kerana sayang bukan kerana benci. After you've reprimand the students, reason out with them.

Nawaitu kita cuma nak lihat anak didik berjaya dalam hidup. Kalau itu dah niat kita, takkan something can go wrong? I believe that if our intentions are right, insyaAllah, whatever we do, Allah will pave the way for us.

Time solat tu mintaklah, "Ya Allah, terangkan hati students ku untuk menerima pelajaran, jadikan mereka insan yang berjaya dalam hidup, sentiasa menghormati sesama manusia, niatku adalah untuk mendidik, mudahan mak ayah depa tak complaint atau hantar surat saman." =P

Once I read something that goes, "be a disciplinarian to your children when they are young, be their friends and guide when they are in teenage years, and then be their advisors and supporters when they are adults, by then decisions are solely theirs to make"

Parenting is tough ay. One day, if I ever have children of my own, then it's apt to share more. As for now, I'm just a cikgu.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Perhaps Love...

Tagged by Kak AZ Haida.

Here goes:


A. 8 Different Points of a Not-So-Perfect Lover

Someone I'm able to look up to

That said; I do need him to be the leader and play a bigger role in any decisions-making. He has to be someone who-s able to garner my respect and admiration. He cannot be intimidated by me in other words as I'd like to lean on him for support and encouragements to keep me going.

Good sense of humour

The love of my life has to be someone who's able to make me laugh and brighten my day. Even the thoughts of him and his silly looks would be able to make me smile. I'm naturally a smiley and love to laugh so it is not an arduos task at all. It is only natural you would want someone who shares the same frequency as you do. Takkan nak gelak sorang-sorang, ye?

Able to look on the other side of the field

Bright side or not. He is able to open up a new perspective and options whereby no one else seems to be able to discern. As analytical and meticulous as I may be, I often missed out certain judgements. I always appreciate different outlooks on things I may have disregarded. Not round the clock agreeing to what I say. Admirable intelligence and wisdom. Frank yet with a good dash of wit.

Respects for elders and children and friends alike

Able to blend in any crowd. I hold onto firmly that a son's responsibility is towards his mother. Somehow it just gives me a good assurance. It shows that he knows his religion well, one thing. He's helpful with chores around the house. Once in a while is a fair bargain. The importance of pursuing higher education. Loves to read. Eh, lari dari topic. =P


This is the top on most lists. It is the most vital criteria. Iman tops the list compared to beauty, background and the number of 000 000s in your bank statement. In this case I choose to differ a little. I believe, in gathering deeper knowledge and nurturing the faith, both have to walk hand in hand. It is not the sole responsibility of one party. Kecintaan ilmu.

Loves food and travelling

I enjoy gastronomic fiesta from time to time. I hope I don't land myself with someone who enjoys super-spicy food. I do, it's just that, let's have a variety for meals. I know it is not hard to please those who enjoy spicy food, taram je cili lebih2 sket. =P And travelling is not limited to anything plane-bound. I'd love the occasional visits to the restaurant, movie, or simply a stroll in the park. Moments whereby we only have each other and all the time in the world to ourselves. Just to cuddle up and be affectionate.

Shares the same values, vision and mission in life

For our family and life especially. The upbringing of the children etc. I think it is important to enforce on common values and discipline in the family. Then there'll be understanding in lining up plans for the best interest of the family.

Passable similarities and differences to go about

Bits of everything here and there, to surprise me and finding myself falling in love all over again.

Before I fall In Love by Coco Lee seems to be the theme song as I type this entry. =P

B. Sex of Target


C. Tag 8 Victims

Feel free to do it =)

We all have our own guidelines. The marriage is after all hoped to last. I don't deem it as choosy but merely adhering to proposition of sekufu.

I have nothing much to offer myself so I don't expect to land myself with a high-end partner.

The road is tough and winding. And I don't wish to drag anyone along just yet. Not in the near future. My case is just a little complicated. I don't want to see unwanted commotion arising. I sedar where I stand lah. I shun away any ideas of proposal for the meanwhile simply by saying, "Siapa yang sanggup bersusah payah hadapi all these obstacles for my sake? Perempuan yang baik are plenty out there. They are worth more the trouble than I am."

I am not being humble or trying to sound heart broken tapi it's pure fact. Reality.

Until I've straighten some major areas in my life, I don't think getting hitched will be a main concern at the moment...

aving a deeper knowledge and having a

The Quiz I can't remember when I did it...

Found it in one of the soft copy. No wonder I kept it coz it is quite.... errrr... true. =P

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Marah kerana cinta, bukan kerana benci...

Oleh: Pahrol Mohamad Juoi

Saya masih ingat sikap `unik' (aneh) sesetengah orang-orang tua kampung dulu-dulu. Ruang di bawah rumah mereka selalunya diperuntukkan untuk meletakkan barang usang yang `kurang' atau tidak perlu. Selalunya botol-botol, tin-tin atau papan-papan buruk. Entah kenapa semua itu tidak dibuang. Hanya di letakkan begitu sahaja. Diguna tidak, dibuang pun tidak. Peliknya, apabila barang-barang `antik' itu hendak diambil oleh orang lain, cepat-cepat pula mereka melarangnya. Tak boleh – nak guna, sayang, dan macam-macam alasan.
Itulah sebuah analogi yang terlintas di fikiran bila saya ditanya tentang kemarahan umat Islam terhadap penyiaran karikatur menghina nabi Muhammad s.a.w oleh akhbar-akhbar Eropah khususnya Denmark.
"Encik tidak marah?" tanya seorang siswa sehabis sahaja majlis diskusi tentang topik berkenaan.
"Marah," akui saya perlahan.
"Tak cukup begitu sahaja. Esok kita berarak, bakar bendera Denmark!"
Saya senyum.
"Kita ada cara yang lebih baik. Ada senjata yang lebih hebat. Doa," balas saya.
"Kita kena tunjuk kemarahan kepada mereka yang menghina Rasul."
"Menunjukkan kecintaan kepada Rasul lebih utama."
"Marah itulah tanda kecintaan kita…"
"Betul. Tetapi membuktikan kecintaan dengan mengamalkan sunnahnya jauh lebih utama."
"Encik takut?"
Saya renung matanya.
"Mengamalkan sunnah Rasul memerlukan lebih keberanian… Tentangannya lebih hebat. Bahkan daripada orang Islam sendiri," tusuk saya perlahan.
"Kita bakar bendera mereka!"
"Kita `bakar' cara hidup mereka. Itu lebih relevan."
Giliran dia pula yang diam. Mungkin siswa yang `terbakar' ini mula mengunyah maksud kiasan saya.
Lalu saya ceritakan analogi awal tadi. Alhamdulillah, dia mendengar teliti.
"Kita dengan sunnah, seperti orang tua-tua dahulu dengan barang-barang usang di bawah rumah. Nak digunakan tidak, nak dijunjung jauh sekali, tetapi bila ada orang lain nak mengambilnya, barulah heboh konon nak digunakan."
"Bagaimana kita hendak tunjukkan perasaan marah?"
"Demontrasi depan manusia. Depan Allah, kita berdoa. Kita muhasabah, sejauh mana kecintaan kita kepada Rasul-Nya. Mungkin provokasi Barat membawa pengajaran tersirat."
"Pengajaran tersirat?"
"Ya, tersirat dari Allah… agar kita menilai semula benar-benarkah kita mencintai sunnah Rasul-Nya selama ini."
"Kemarahan ummah inilah buktinya," ujarnya bersemangat.
"Kemarahan cuma bermusim. Hanya luapan sentimen berkala. Namun kegigihan, kebijaksanaan, perancangan dan ketabahan jangka panjang amat perlu."
"Maksud encik?"
Jelas dia terpancing dengan kilasan dan kiasan kata-kata.
"Jangka panjang, sudahkah kita mendidik generasi muda mencintai Rasul dan keluarganya? Saya risau generasi muda yang mabuk hedonisme kini tidak akan punya kemarahan yang sama seperti yang saudara alami."
"Saya ada kawan-kawan sebaya yang hidupnya lintang pukang, tapi masih marah bila Rasulullullah dipersendakan. Mereka akan turut berarak esok!"
"Hidup lintang-pukang? Macam mana tu?" tanya saya minta kepastian.
"Rock habis. Sembahyang tidak. Bergaul bebas biasalah… tapi cinta mereka terhadap Rasul tak luntur."
"Ajak mereka sembahyang dulu. Tak berarak pun tak apa. Cinta dulu, marah kemudian. Bila ada cinta, pasti ada marah bila kecintaan dicela. Tapi kalau marah saja, belum tentu ada cinta… "
Dia diam lagi. Kali ini diamnya lebih panjang.
"Agaknya orang tua tu marah tak kalau kita ambil barang-barang berharga di atas rumah?" tanyanya tiba-tiba.
"Orang tua mana?" tanya saya semula. Hairan.
"Orang tua dalam analogi encik tadi itulah!"
"Soalan tu kurang umph," gurau saya.
"Habis soalan apa yang umph?"
"Agaknya orang berani tak hendak minta barang di atas rumah? Berbanding barang usang di bawah rumah?" balas saya.
Termenung lagi dia. Seronok rasanya `membimbing' siswa ini berfikir. Terimbau luapan semangat saya sewaktu di kampus dulu. Beginilah pola berfikir saya. .
Tiba-tiba dia bersuara, "tentu tak berani, kerana barang di atas rumah tentu lebih berharga."
"Begitulah sunnah, jika dihayati, diamalkan dan diperjuangkan. Ia nampak sangat berharga di tangan pencintanya. Musuh tak kan berani mengusiknya, apalagi nak menghinanya…"
"Encik ni, tak sangka ke situ pula kiasannya."
"Kita orang Islam mesti menghormati diri sendiri terlebih dahulu, barulah orang lain akan menghargai kita. Justeru, jika kita marahkan musuh yang mengecam Rasul, marahkanlah juga diri kita yang tidak benar-benar mencintainya!"
"Dan… bukti cinta amalkan sunnah Rasul. Itulah cara paling berkesan mempamerkan `kemarahan' kepada musuh-musuh yang menghinanya."
Alhamdulillah, saya yakin, kini marahnya kerana cinta bukan kerana benci. Dominasi cintakan Rasul bukan emosi bencikan musuhnya!

-forwarded email-

Monday, February 20, 2006

Lamanya cuti nooo...

Don't worry... I was not occupied with any majlis pinangan or pertunangan hatta pernikahan sekalipun. If there was any, satu Malaya den kabo kan... heh.

For the last two weeks I've been up to some of the craziest ideas/decisions I've ever done in my life. Not so crazy enough if I am to tell you all about it, but, I still do get the "what's wrong with you" comments and glances.

It is just something I felt like needed to be done. It is in my nature that I will ask for dozens of opinions and I always know that at the end of the day it is my call after all.

I told Hani that I have no regrets and I felt good about the whole situation. People around you watched, scrutinize, criticize, and judge, but it is still YOU who's going through it all.

I am still pretty undecided over certain matters. As for these 3 months, we'll monitor and keep track of the development on stuffs and see how things go la. I think 3 months is a realistic time-frame. Enough time to see results in the exam, see the business grow and plan, plan and more plan and execute them. Amin Ya Rabballalamin.

Manusia hanya mampu merancang. And I'm trying to make sure respective individuals are dragged along the steps with me. They cannot give up coz if they do, well; I just want to see my friends happy and successful. They have been there for me at my darkest hours and what I can do now is to push their capability to the max. And lots and lots of doa.

The Akademi Fantasia 4 auditions are up. I have never been a supporter of any AF or their artists specifically. For her I pledge a certain amount if she gets in because I know she deserves it. A good friend of ours has been short listed. It is only the first round but I believe this friend of mine can make it to the final 12. It is still too early to say so, but, if that is what she wants to do, so be it. We did lay out the pros n cons for her. I'm giving her my support but Hani doesn't quite agree. As for me, "Kalau ada rezeki dia di AF maka ada lah. Kalau tidak, maka tak ada lah n apa pun takpe."

Kitorang la yang sedih if we can't sesuka hati drag her out nanti. Siapa nak bawa I gi cari cendol malam-malam buta lagi? Siapa nak team up ngan Hani n I to ukur malls? Siapa nak cukupkan korum fiesta di Secret Recipe? Siapa nak temankan I menikmati ice cream di KLCC Park? Siapa nak layan I merapu lagi? huhuuu...

Those who have met me would never have thought I do possess a garang teacher material. I know lah how people perceived me to be, when most of the time, am not. heheheee... I have what it takes though to tackle and tame these 'special' children. This time around are tough cases but can still be helped. Guru mana tak sayang pelajar ooiiihhh? I do. Nothing special, just the maternal instinct at work. Just as how you would want to see your own children do well in school and life that is exactly how I wish for, for my students.

Bak kata Pak Lah, melentur buluh biar lah dari rebungnya. Ini lah putera puteri negara. May they be an all-rounder person in life.

I have other outlets to pen down my thoughts which explains why I don't miss updating this blog. =P None of it is virtual though. I have a log book the size of a diary. I have my organiser. The above are quite bulky to carry around so I have another really cool notebook at a size slightly larger than your pocket calendar. I carry it around in my handbag at all time. It has calendar for 2005 and 2006. I jot things down now and then, whether I'm waiting for my next lrt to catch or over a brownie in SR. It is a simple reminder of daily occurrence. And a bit more privacy. ;) I also wrote down interesting quotes and doa to be memorised and to fill my spare time while waiting for an appointment to be fulfilled. That said, jangan lah saja je bagi I tunggu lama-lama though I seem to be able to make myself occupied and no time wasted. heh.

Ini ada satu tempat nak recommend nieh. There is this Chinese shop opposite Sogo (along Jukebox outlet tuh) that I find manage to quench my desire for meals similar to those of home. Outside the stall there is a satay stall which is a must-try! There is also a nasi padang stall. The shop is pretty small and space and seats are definitely limited lah.

Toodles for now. Am the very worn out.

p/s: Anyone shares the anguish feeling on how CHEAP the fares were at the MATTA fair??! Takpe, there's always next year... kan??well in school and life, that is how i

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Life takes an unexpected turn.

I am not able to be selfish and I guess others comes first as of now. Great friends who supports my decision... God bless these people. I believe either way has its pros n cons... so I'll just go with the flow.

Every cloud has a silver lining after all...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sayunya terkenang redup wajahmu
Segala perngorbananmu
Demi anak-anakmu

Kau ampunilah dosaku
Andai pernah ku menghiris hatimu
Di kakimu terletak syurgaku
Kasih sayangmu tidak bertepian
Itulah harta yang kau berikan
Restumu amat kuharapkan

Tabahnya engkau melayani karenah anakmu
Mengajarku erti kesabaran
Katamu pedoman
Doamu suluhan
Dalam meniti kehidupan

Ya Rahman,
Kasihilah kedua orang tuaku
Sepertimana mereka telah mengasihiku
Dari kecil sehingga kini...

I can never, never cope with the emotional breakage each time I'm leaving home. It is just something I've never been able to deal with ever since my first time being away from home 5 years back. My poor mother. Tears that should not be there are in her eyes... How else should I comfort her but assuring her with God's grace everything will be fine, InsyaAllah.

** Leaving tomorrow at 1930. Drop a note at fatihah_nurizzati[at]
** Selamat berpuasa pada 9,10,11 Muharram 1427.
** See you!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Handwriting Personality Quiz...

Came across this from here.


The results of your analysis say:

You like to be surrounded by four solid walls.
If it means security, I believe so. I won't suffocate myself...
You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
hahahaaa... shy? I don't think so. IF I take away my gaze, I'm just practising sifat hayya'.. =P Idealistic? Yes, quite. But I have always believed in accepting a person as he is. Tak banyak songeh saya nieh. heheheee...
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
Yes to all. Someone once said I'm so full of love. What ever that means (?!!)... and another someone once said I have a sweet soul... eheheee... *yummy* ceh! tunggu lah devil unleashed.. not a pleasant sight at all. During uni days, HEP lah selalu kena, and barang sesiapa on the top... =P
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
Agaknya la. Am a wacko in disguise, n always deemed as CRAZY! Busybody? Nosey? If people care to tell, I'll listen, kalau tidak, I pun tak kisah...
You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.
Yes jugak lah. After all that I've been through, takkan lah no self-confident in executing tasks/plans etc... Still need to boost up a little more though... =)

I'm a typical Virgo after all...

Have fun!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Painting (a picture)...

Painting jobs resumed after the New Year break. Been busy painting the bedrooms. This time around I got more involved meaning I had to paint my own room. The colours? I mixed and match two colours while my brother is taking three. Melampau sungguh budak itu. I have no idea how he is painting his. Must be planning to do some abstract thingy or something.

Didn't have much trouble painting. It's pretty easy to wipe off should it spilt anywhere. Easy to scrub off merely with soap and water too. The paint also has this sweet smelling floral fragrance and was fairly smooth. Try the Dulux Supreme. The 5l paint (kot) cost RM125. The exterior of the house we're sticking to Dulux Weathershield. We're waiting for suitable contractors to take on the job. Looks like I won't be able to see the finishing touch on the house.

No idea what to write actually. Am flying off on Monday. I guess will just enjoy the few more days I have here. And I shall leave you to try this:

English Roast


Spices for seasoning:
Mustard (English/ French)
Paprika (mainly for colouring but can add more for spiciness)
Black Pepper
Thyme (if you're using beef) or Rosemary (lamb) or Oregano (chicken)
Extra virgin olive oil
Carrot, leek, onion, celery (chopped coarsely)-not to be served, just to give some flavour to the meat during baking

Season the meat with all the spices above. Place the meat on the tray with the vegetables. Place dabs of butter on the meat. Don't have to smear the butter all over the meat. The butter will sort of tenderize the meat.

For every 1/2kg of meat takes about 15 mins to bake.

p/s: When it's the not-so-pro cooking, it's hard to recall measurements thus the agak-agak, n sesedap rasa dan mata memandang lah. =P

It's down to these. Got to make this life make sense. Dear heart, please be strong. You've already gone this far. March on. Don't be a disappointment. Mistakes, too long, too late, forgiveness...


Every time I 'add' extra efforts in getting ready, I am always transported to an incident that occurred few months back.

We were getting ready for dinner cum a night out. It was to be either Bangsar or Uptown. Since am a make up-less person, (or so I thought) getting ready is never a hassle. Thankfully my scarves seldom wrestle with me. Maybe it's the way I lipat it or the shape of my face, I don't know. That's why each time we're down in Jalan TAR, I can simply choose a scarve which the colour or pattern I'm in love with and pass over the licin factor. And I will get those envious glances. hahaaa... There are of course still some bad tudung days but I just ignore them plus I am very sempoi actually. The 'lantak lah' attitude is so all over me. So tidak pandai bergaya I tell you. Siap pernah kena sound lagi, that I should dress 'more' appropriately. =P

Oh, back to the story.

In the car I asked Nanie did she really make up. And well, what's her definition of make-up?

"As long you apply anything on yr face be it even foundation and face powder"

"Ye ke? Bagi I, foundation, face powder, mascara, eye-liner and lip balm tak consider make up lah. Make up is when u put on eye shadows and blushers. Yang basic tuh not considered as make up lah. Kot?"

What say you?

I rarely even use lipsticks. Lip balm is sufficient. Those from Body Shop give you the perfect shade. I've been using it for almost three years. Oh, I'm using raspberry. (promote nieh)

The art of face colouring is important. I don't deny that. It does do wonder to your appearance provided you're in safe hands. Better still in YOUR own hands. Simple and natural are the usual preferences. Once in a while it's ok. Kot-kot tetiba mood melaram nak datang, kan? On everyday basis, I don't think I can cope. Plus, as I see it, budak-budak sekarang lawa je. Sedap je mata memandang. Kalau ada gak yang komen tak lawa tuh, tamak namanya, ye dak?

Bersederhana lah.